Maincard’s first Prize fund has found its owners! Platform updates.

3 min readNov 29, 2022


The first week brought the development team lots of headache and the users — a bit of cash. 6000 MATIC were allocated among the top 3 players who were either more accurate, or more active on while trying to predict the results of the sports event, including the World Cup 2022.

First things first

1st place — 0x68d463a21c736bdfb8b690bc7351d93bc148a815
2nd place — 0xdf1d2582c988d2c3045280d2eba6daa6571f39b6
3rd place — 0x3d696578070c7d75f9180540408471021db0715d

— the players will receive 3000, 2000, and 1000 MATIC accordingly

In order not to send the rewards to inactive wallets we will kindly ask each player do to our Discord channel and create a ticket to briefly verify the wallet number. Crypto will be released immediately after that.

Now, let’s take a look how they made it.

As you can see from the Table, you don’t have to place dozens of bets if you have an Epic NFT. And this is unfair to the newbies, who just came to the platform, because they will always be far behind older players. Unless they spend lots of cash of course. So, in the nearest future we will divide players into leagues according to the rarity of their Maincards.

Players with Common Maincards will be challenging each other, the same applies to Rare, Epic, Legendary, and Mythic NFTs.

Of course, the Prize fund will become bigger while moving from one league to another, so make sure you upgrade your Maincards…or just spend a fortune and beat everyone else:))

We have to admit, that players kinda get rewards twice, because MainCoins that they get for correct predictions are itself super valuable. In the Q1 2023 Maincard will list MainCoins on the Top-tier exchanges, and MCN will become a liquid asset. Right now you are able to spend MainCoins for repairing Maincards, and purchasing NFTs from the Auction. As we develop our integrations with partners, MCN will be used to purchase subscriptions for Streaming services, tickets and seasonal passes for the sports events, and much more. So stay tuned!


Our community has been super loyal to the platform bugs, and we appreciate it. You have to know that we are the biggest critics of ourselves, so we have made lots of updates this week.

  • Auction: You now can see only active Maincards set for an Auction. Use your MainCoins to purchase Maincards, the highest bid wins
  • My Battles: the process of taking the Maincard after the end of the event is simplified, check it out
  • The most annoying bug forcing you to constantly update your page and reconnect the wallet has been fixed. Now you immediately see changes in your wallet after placing your bets
  • NFL is added to the sports list. Much more sports to come in the following weeks, MMA would be the first one. Let us know in Discord, which sports you’d love to see on
  • Rankings are finally working, check your stats online.

Next steps:

  • User profile
  • NFT repairs
  • Different leagues depending on the NFT rarity
  • Multiple card betting
  • User statistics
  • Purchasing Maincards with regular cards, not just MATIC

Two words regarding Calls section. When betting in Calls, you advise other player to play for the Maincard. Whoever makes the correct prediction, get both cards. This is a serious contest, and you might lose your card, but the reward is also big, so try it!

And last, but not least, check how the platform will look in a couple of months, you asked for the dark theme, here you go.

Thank you for being valuable members of Maincard, let’s build together!

Sincerely yours,

Maincard team




Written by Maincard is a Web3 game based on sports fantasy management. Play with friends, earn crypto, and get introduced to the world of Web3.

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