Maincard’s testnet is live!

4 min readSep 20, 2022


This is the moment you all have been waiting for (sorry Bruce Buffer, we stole your words). Starting from today and till the end of the week Maincard is running an open testnet with a $500k prize fund for early adopters in NFTs of the project.

Here is the instruction for the participants:

1. Go to

2. Get to the main screen of the application

The main idea is to leave feedback and write about your experiences and bugs/inaccuracies found. The main purpose of testing — the backend functionality (the server side, not the interface).

3. Connect your account and add Maincard Testnet network by ANKR

Name of the network: Mumbai testnet by ANKR Protocol

Network URL:

Chain ID: 80001

Currency symbol: MATIC.

Next, click “Connect” again and sign the request through Metamask.

Great, our Metamask is connected to the test environment.

In order to use Maincard NFT, you’ll need some test MATIC for transaction commits

You can get them through a faucet:

Refresh your browser page, and when the transaction goes through, you will see the balance update in the upper right hand corner.

Reconnect the metamask after you’ve received the tokens

When you go to Marketplace tab, you can mint an NFT for further voting for sports events (refresh the page after every transaction to make sure you see the updates).

In order to buy your NFT Maincard, click on Buy Now.

Subtitle. If you buy, you use MATIC for the transaction and our token, the FreeToken, for which the further purchase of NFTs is made. We decided to put the token into circulation immediately, so as not to inconvenience you with cranes!

After the confirmations, refresh the page again, the list of your NFTs, on the right, should be updated. In case you see a picture like this,

it will be successfully displayed when you vote later.

Next, you have the option to place a vote for an event. The list of available cards is located on the right, in the Cards section:

Go to Battle tab. It looks like this:

Open one of the sports events by clicking the arrow on the left.

In order to vote for an event, you should move the NFT to the appropriate field (drag it without letting go).

Next, you should click the Vote button:

A list of your past and active Battles can be found here:

After the event is over, you can pick your Maincard up through the Take Card button

After you have done all the steps, you can stay on the platform and play your cards further. Every successful vote will be giving you points (MainCoins, our token, that would be introduced a bit later), which will help you take the first place within the current week and get up to $3000.

Next, go to and fill out the feedback form. You will get Common, Rare, or Epic NFT depending on your feedback.

Good luck everyone!



Maincard is a Web3 game based on sports fantasy management. Play with friends, earn crypto, and get introduced to the world of Web3.